Why is Spring the Best Time to Remodel Your Kitchen?

Spring is here and with it comes a sense of rebirth and rejuvenation. Can your kitchen use a little rejuvenation? Well, spring happens to be the best time to tackle this kind of transformational project, whether you’re looking to get new granite countertops and backsplashes or gut the whole room and start over. Here’s why.

It’s Spring Cleaning Season

As a homeowner, you are naturally inclined to clean your home from top to bottom, with the windows open, the birds chirping and the flowers blossoming. In cleaning your kitchen, you may be more inclined to notice the flaws within it, from those outdated countertops and appliances to the lackluster scuffed paint that adorns the room.

There’s no better time to tackle a kitchen renovation than when you want to get it done! It’s time to stop dreaming about transforming your kitchen, and set about making it a reality.

The House is Relatively Empty

In spring, the kids are still in school, which means you can renovate the kitchen while they’re out of the house for most of the day. In summer, the kids are underfoot, making a full-scale kitchen remodel nearly an impossibility. With them eating at least one meal a day at school, you don’t have to worry about spending so much time in the kitchen cooking. Eat supper outside in the nice weather while your renovation is going on – one less thing to worry about when you don’t have a kitchen table for a few weeks!

It Takes Less Time Than You Assume

You may be worried that your spring renovation may take a long time, running into the busy summer entertainment season. But when you hire the right granite counter installers in Boston, your project can be completed in much less time than you think. With no bitter cold and snow to contend with, or high humidity of summer temperatures, spring is the perfect time for getting the kitchen done. You don’t have to worry about losing precious heated or AC air out, with all the contractors coming into and out of your house, or muddy boots from wet pre-spring days.

Contractors Aren’t Too Busy Yet

By booking your kitchen remodel now, you’re getting ahead of all the homeowners who are waiting till summer to call a contractor. But that slow season won’t last long — after all, summer is right around the corner and contractors are starting to step up business!

You Can Show Off Your New Kitchen Soon

Spring marks the start of the entertaining season, where you haul out the new tablecloths and décor and invite the neighbors over for a home cooked meal and drinks. Thus, spring is the ideal time to show off the new kitchen to friends and family. Now that you’ve decided to renovate the kitchen, start thinking about which countertops and backsplashes you’ll choose. Time’s a-wasting!

Contact Granite Guy

If you’re ready to take on a spring kitchen renovation project, it all starts with a phone call to your trusted granite counter installers in Boston and the South Shore: Granite Guy. Call us today for a free quote and to schedule a consultation.

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