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sealing granite countertops

How to Care for Granite Countertops

Granite countertops will reward you with a long-lasting lifespan and beautiful kitchen, but only if you care for them regularly. Like anything else in your home, your counters need some TLC. Materials like granite are porous, meaning they can absorb liquids easily and thus stain easily. Here at the Granite Guy, we’re all about education.

When you hire us to install your custom granite countertops, we don’t leave until we go over all the care instructions in detail. Here are some tips on how to care for granite countertops:

1.    Perform Light Daily Cleaning

Using a lint-free cloth or paper towel and a specially formulated granite cleaning product, clean the countertop thoroughly. Dry the area with a separate clean cloth or paper towel. Steer clear of abrasive cleaners, which will destroy the granite’s protective sealant.

2.    Wipe Up Spills Immediately

Spills in the kitchen are inevitable. However, be sure to wipe them up right away so they don’t set. Blot (don’t wipe) the spill with a soft cloth or paper towel, then clean the area with a granite cleaner, followed by drying with a clean cloth.

3.    Watch the Heat

While placing a hot pot or pan on your granite countertop probably won’t damage it, you should always use a trivet if you want to set a heated pan down for longer than a few seconds. That’s because extreme changes in temperature can harm or crack it.

4.    Seal Your Counters

To protect your granite countertops from dirt buildup and stains, apply a sealant every six months to a year. If you have dark granite, it is denser, less porous, and less at risk for staining than if you have a light-colored granite, but you should still seal both kinds regularly.

Practical Preservation Tips

Here are some helpful tips to heed every day.

  • Don’t stand on your granite countertops; rather, use a ladder to reach lights or cupboards.
  • Use a cutting board when slicing foods. Yes, granite is generally scratch resistant, but this doesn’t mean it won’t ever scratch. A cutting board is also good for your knives, which will quickly become dull if used directly on the stone.
  • Don’t neglect regular cleaning, as even tiny particles can affect the stone.
  • Use a mat or a trivet under anything ceramic so your countertops stay scratch-free.
  • Polish granite frequently using a special granite polisher. This will protect the stone surface from fingerprints or water spots and reinforce the protective sealant.

Contact Granite Guy

Need more tips on caring for granite? Contact us today at 508-460-7900.

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